
This is the dictionary for the Trilangle Vocabulary Extension. Visit its homepage for information about its phonology, orthography, and morphology rules.

Words are grouped by their semantic family and their heading is the word with the lowest arity. For example, ᑯᐃ love and ᑯᐃᕑ to love share a family, and its heading is ᑯᐃ because it is 1-place whereas ᑯᐃᕑ is 3-place. Words prefixed with an asterisk * is either debated or nonexistent and should not be used in practice.

e o i a - Trilangle

  1. e o i a /eoia/ - trilangle(x); x is Trilangle.
  2. e o i a m /eoiam/ - use.trilangle(e, x); e is an event of x using Trilangle.
  3. e o i a r /eoiar/ - trilangle(e, x, y); e is an event of x describing y with Trilangle. Alternatively, e is an event of x is Trilangling y.

i ti - after

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. i ti r /itir/ - after(e, x, y); e is an event of x being after y.

to a o - allow

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. to a o r /toaor/ - allow(e, x, y); e is an event of x allowing y.

e we ka - alone

  1. e we ka /eweka/ - alone(x); x is alone.
  2. e we ka m /ewekam/ - alone(e, x); e is an event of x being alone.
  3. No three-place form

e ne te - away

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. e ne te r /eneter/ - away(e, x, y); e is an event of x being away from y.

tʼe je - clothes

  1. tʼe je /tʼeje/ - clothes(x); x is clothes.
  2. tʼe je m /tʼejem/ - clothes(e, x); e is an event of x being clothes.
  3. No three-place form

wes ki sa - disappear

  1. No one-place form
  2. wes ki sa m /weskisam/ - disappear(e, x); e is an event of x disappearing.
  3. wes ki sa r /weskisar/ - disappear(e, x, y); e is an event of x disappearing from y.

tsi n ta - dry

  1. tsi n ta /tsinta/ - dry(x); x is dry.
  2. tsi n ta m /tsintam/ - dry(e, x); e is an event of x being dry.
  3. tsi n ta r /tsintar/ - dry(e, x, y); e is an event of x drying y.

se tsa - event

  1. se tsa /setsa/ - event(x); x is an event.
  2. se tsa m /setsam/ - event(e, x); e in an event of x being an event.
  3. No three-place form

wi ta - flow

  1. wi ta /wita/ - flow(x); x is a flow.
  2. wi ta m /witam/ - flow(e, x); e is an event of x flowing.
  3. No three-place form

o ka we - friend

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. o ka we r /okawer/ - friend(e, x, y); e is an event of x being a friend of y.

a no - go away

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. a no r /anor/ - go.away(e, x, y); e is an event of x going away from y.

i sa wo - greeting

  1. i sa wo /isawo/ - greeting(x); x is a greeting.
  2. i sa wo m /isawom/ - greeting(e, x); e is an event of x being a greeting.
  3. i sa wo r /isawor/ - greet(e, x, y); e is an event of x greeting y.

o i - in

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. o i r /oir/ - in(e, x, y); e is an event of x being in y.

ji tie - know

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. ji tie r /jitier/ - know(e, x, y); e is an event of x knowing y.

as tsi - live

  1. as tsi /astsi/ - live(x); x lives.
  2. as tsi m /astsim/ - live(e, x); e is an event of x living.
  3. as tsi r /astsir/ - live(e, x, y); e is an event of x living through something (e.g. a period of time).

ko i - love

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. ko i r /koir/ - love(e, x, y); e is an event of x loving y.

i mi - me

  1. i mi /imi/ - me(x); x is me.
  2. i mi m /imim/ - me(e, x); e is an event of x being me.
  3. No three-place form

ma ma - mother

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. ma ma r /mamar/ - mother(e, x, y); e is an event of x being y's mother.

ki n we - person

  1. ki n we /kinwe/ - person(x); x is a person.
  2. ki n we m /kinwem/ - person(e, x); e is an event of x being a person.
  3. No three-place form

ta e te - plunge

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. ta e te r /taeter/ - plunge(e, x, y); e is an event of x plunging y.

o ta jo - see

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. o ta jo r /otajor/ - see(e, x, y); e is an event of x seeing y.

tse ti - speak

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. tse ti r /tsetir/ - speak(e, x, y); e is an event of x speaking y.

tse ta ne - story

  1. tse ta ne /tsetane/ - story(x); x is a story.
  2. tse ta ne m /tsetanem/ - story(e, x); e is an event of x being a story.
  3. tse ta ne r /tsetaner/ - story(e, x, y); e is an event of x being a story about y.

e ts wa - sun

  1. e ts wa /etswa/ - sun(x); x is a sun.
  2. e ts wa m /etswam/ - sun(e, x); e is an event of x being a sun.
  3. e ts wa r /etswar/ - sun(e, x, y); e is an event of x being the sun of y. (Implies that y orbits x).

a a ko - terrible

  1. a a ko /aako/ - terrible(x); x is terrible.
  2. a a ko m /aakom/ - terrible(e, x); e is an event of x being terrible.
  3. No three-place form

i a ne - understand

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. i a ne r /ianer/ - understand(e, x, y); e is an event of x understanding y.

sa mo - use

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. sa mo r /samor/ - use(e, x, y); e is an event of x using y.

tsa ta ka - witness

  1. No one-place form
  2. No two-place form
  3. tsa ta ka r /tsatakar/ - witness(e, x, y); e is an event of x witnessing y.

i ja - you

  1. i ja /ija/ - you(x); x is you.
  2. i ja m /ijam/ - me(e, x); e is an event of x being you.
  3. No three-place form